Sunday, March 20, 2011

To Your Ears (Text Me, I Can't Hear You!)

Back in the day, when I was about 7 or 8 all I wanted was a phone in my room. I think I found my hot pink phone with the curly cord when I was garage sale shopping with my grandma. It was by far the best $1.50 I ever spent. My dad then installed a phone jack to my room on the opposite side of the one in their room and I was officially a big girl. I called people just because I could even when I had nothing to say.

Flash forward 10 years and I bought my first cell phone. I took the free one and got better reception with it than I have gotten with any of my 8 cell phones since then. However, it was not until the ripe age of 23 when I really started to text. I got the whole unlimited texting thing thanks to my bff and been addicted ever since.

Why text when you can talk? My dad asks me this constantly. Well for one thing, it's completely private (for the most part). No one can over-hear your important conversations and it's perfect for short messages like when your arrival to a specific destination is imminent. It's also a great way to keep records of sweet things sent to you by a significant other, to share pictures, or to mass send a happy fill-in-the-blank-here.

What people fail to realize is that there is a certain set of manners people should honor while texting. I have complied the following personal pet-peeves list:

The Break-up: If you and your significant other have been together more than a couple weeks, it is NOT alright to send a break up text. You owe them more of an explanation than a simple text message stating that you wish to break up. Worse yet NEVER EVER end an engagement or a marriage via text. If you are not man enough to conduct your break-ups in person, then you were NEVER mature enough for a relationship, let alone an engagement or marriage. (On a very personal note, doing this to someone that is literally carrying your child and due in less than three weeks is total BS, and said person should be beat for doing so.)

The Sext: That's right, I don't care how amazing you think your significant other is, NEVER send a naked picture over a text. They will share it. I know, I have seen them. Eight of my best friends are guys and I can't begin to tell you how many womanly body parts I have personally been shown on their phone. Once they are out there, they will be forwarded, end up on the Internet and potentially ruin your life. Just don't do it!!!!

The EXTREMELY LONG signature: Ok, so we all want to have a cute little, and I stress LITTLE, signature at the end of all our texts cause it "defines" us in some way. Having said that, know I no longer use a signature. When your signature is longer than your text, it is too long. Enough said.

The Threat: Don't threaten anyone over a text. What you say can be used against you in court. Also, it's petty and dumb. People actually commit suicide over stupid and pointless text messages that are typed out of anger. If you want to hurt someone, forward their sext, again why you should never sext.

The Forward: Never forward a forward to the person that sent it. Simple and to the point, they already have it.

The Invite: Inviting someone that you forgot to invite to an occasion at the last minute via text is tacky. If they were already over-looked or forgotten not only do you potentially owe them an apology, but you really should at the very least respect them enough to call them and invite them personally. Unless you invite everyone by text, and even as I type that I can see how tacky it is, don't send textvites.

Waiting Too Long: If someone sends you a text, don't take 5 hours to answer it. By then they have most likely forgot why they texted you to begin with. It's very annoying to look through the out-box to see why they sent back whatever it is they said. Be prompt, or don't answer.

The ABBR.: Abbreviations are cool. BFF. GF. BF. LOL. LMAO. L8R. LYLAS. <3. QT. However, keep it simple stupid. There is not an abbreviation for everything! Somethings are better left typed out. Yes, I know ILY is I love you, but when I am talking I would never say I L Y, I would tell you I love you. It's better to see the whole thing. I would text ILY to my best friend's aunt's son-in-law's third cousin's boyfriend.  It's generic and tacky. Type it OUT!!!! Furthermore, texts comprised of entirely abbreviations make us look stupid.

The Super Short Text: These are great for yes or no questions, but when someone sends you a joke, sending back LOL is again dumb. Yes, now I know you got it, but do you care that you did? You should say thanks, ask how the person is doing, congratulate them on finally reaching out to talk to you after 3 months, but LOL is not good.

I want to conclude today's mini-lecture with my final thought. I have seen elevator signs that are about ten sentences (on a personal note to the person peeing in our elevator every Friday for the last four weeks, we will GET YOU and you will be PUT OUT!!!!!) so at least say what you need to say, write it out, and treat texts with respect. Don't send them while drunk, high, or driving. Finally, don't let texts replace the phone call. I love hearing certain peoples voices and verbal communication is great!

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