Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Boys and Men

So lately I have been blog reading, nothing odd about that for me really, and I have began to notice a ton of people are no longer protecting the names of the not so innocent, so as of this moment, neither will I.

Eyes open or shut when you kiss? The question is a simple one to answer, although the answers may be more complex than what one may think.

People that kiss with their eyes open want to see the reaction in their partners face. They enjoy looking at their partner and they aren't picturing someone else. (Obviously because it would be difficult to picture someone else with your eyes open.) However, I have another persective on this too.

Ryan was my first boyfriend. Ok, yeah I had other boyfriends before Ryan, and tons after him too, but he was my first boyfriend to knock on my window in the middle of the night just to talk, my first real make-out kinda kiss, and the first guy I semi-stalked simply because he spent the summer babysitting for his nephews that happened to live next door.  He was the first to see my at my worst, playing Barbies with my best friend (ok so we weren't really "playing" Barbies so much as making fun of this one annoying girl using Barbies, but still).

Ryan had weight issues too. I think that is why I dated him. One summer he was hot, the next he was not. He was Lindsay's when he was hot, mine when he was not. How that was fair, I am still not certain.

Back to the point..shortly after we got done kissing once, Ryan told me something and to this day it has made more sense than any other thing a guy has told me.

"If you kiss someone with your eyes open, you don't fully trust them. If they are closed you are literally trusting them with your life and you are really connecting with them."

The down side, on my part, is that perhaps they are picturing someone else they really trust while kissing you with your eyes closed :(

I have found his words to be rather true however. Every time I have trusted a man in the last 8 years my eyes have been closed when we kiss. If I don't trust him, my eyes are wide open. Usually when my eyes are wide open, so are his and those relationships have NEVER lasted as long as the ones where both our eyes are closed.

Tomorrow I will be writing about the friend zone and why guys always seem to want to move out of it with me, and some girls can never get out

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