Wednesday, May 18, 2011

My Views On....well Everything

1. Men are like parking spots, the good ones are usually taken, or handicapped (mentally or emotionally in this case), occasionally you get lucky and find a good one, but that doesn't mean another girl won't jump in and take it before you get all the way in.

2. I may not be the brightest or prettiest crayon in the box, but that doesn't mean I can't be your favorite color, or that you won't use me to scribble all over your walls.
3. It is better to lose a lover, than to love a loser, but either way you still lose.
4. Someday you will realize that you love me, and I will be waking up next to the guy that already knew, or at least I hope I will be.
5. I will always believe in true love, no matter how bad it can hurt you.
6. There is someone for everyone, I mean just look at all the ugly babies and idiots on the road...
7. You aren't really in a relationship until you meet his mom.
8. He doesn't really want to marry you, no matter what he says, unless he puts a ring on your finger that he paid for.
9. True love means getting more than you give, and still wanting to give more.
10. Each relationship is a risk.
11. If your friendship can't last through a break-up, you were never really friends to begin with. (I love all my exs that allow me to tag along with them as a friend)12. You can't be mad when that guy you gave your number to doesn't call, even if he asked for the number, it is like playing the lottery, blaming the ticket just won't help.
13. Any guy will treat you the way he treats his mom.14. Previous relationships are a direct reflection of what you don't want in the next.
15. You can't regret the past, only use it as a guide for what not to do in the future.
16. It sometimes takes a bad relationship, or one that didn't end well, to fully appreciate the great one in the future.
17. Never settle, it will only leave you wanting more.
18 Never loan money to someone you aren't married to...and why would you need to loan your spouse money???
19. There are 3 kinds of people in this world: Those that can count, and those that can't.
20. It's never ok to yell.
21. It's ok to cry.
22. If you tell someone how you feel and they just don't feel the same, there may not be anything wrong with you, it's them.
23. I deserve someone that is as great as I want to be.
24. I am not perfect, but if you accept my flaws, I may be perfect for you.
25. I need someone that is secure enough to trust me with all my lingering ex boyfriends, and that trusts me enough to know they are exs for a reason, maybe a dumb reason like someone peed on a window, but reasons that won't allow us to be together.
26. I don't need someone to carry all my baggage, but I would love to find someone that can throw it in the closet and make me forget about it for a while

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