Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Love is Action

I am in love. Those are some sweet words both to say, and to hear. I love you. I, well, I ummm...

The thing about saying I love you, meaning I love you, and being in love, is that once those things are known the level of general expectations have gone up.

If you weren't exculsive before, this is the point you are totally exclusive. If you had never had sex before, this usually occurs shortly after, and beware my younger friends and or readers, guys will say I love you just to get you in the sac. I think that was the best piece of advice my parents EVER gave me. So, if you were already exculsive, and you were already having sex, what does that leave?

Somewhere, beyond the sea, somewhere...oh sorry got lost for a bit...I guess the next logical thing is either live together, or get married. Or if you aren't ready for marriage, getting engaged. But how long should your engagement be? If you really love them that should mean they are the one right? But what if you love 8 people in your life time and it never gets to that point where you just know? Should you risk it for love?

When did I love you become so complex. Once you say it, there is no going back. You may come to realize you unknowingly lied about it, and then half-heartedly take it back, but that kills the other person provived they really love you too.

But when you know it is right, everyone else knows too. Or so I have learned...If your friends don't like him, or trust him, he isn't for you. If your family tells you not to marry him, listen carefully. If you don't like his mom, dump the loser bc he will want you to be just like her...

You can't change him. Love him as he is, or spare yourself some time. Take the way he looks and add a minimum of 30lbs, that is how he will look. Picture him bald, because he may be. Marry someone you can't live without, not just someone you can live with. If he had no arms or legs tomorrow, would you still love him?

If you doubt the answers, then perhaps you aren't ready...

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